Merry Christmas, Happy New Year

The wife and I are going to China for the holidays

I will be away from my Hacked Gadgets post for two weeks.

I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

In Chinese Happy New Year is 新年快樂 (Xin nian kuai le!)

I will be checking out some Chinese electronics swap meets and some other gadget related locations. If all goes well I will post some articles and pictures when I get back.

Merry Tesla, Happy Christmas, The best to you all!


Joe Pitz


  1. Have a great trip Joe

  2. Thanks for a great year of interesting Hacked Gadgets!
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you too!

  3. take lots of pictures!

  4. 95tnhj6a5nx18zfe


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