DIY Electronic Speed Controller for $15.00

Here is a well documented DIY tutorial on how to build a basic electronic speed controller. The article takes your through a ground up process on how to build the circuit as well as how to program the PIC that controls the speed controller.

The article does indicate that the design does lack sophistication, but this is a good place to start. You could use this design as a learning process and then modify the circuit as needed.

DIY – Electronic Speed Control


  1. Hey, while we’re on the subject of site modifications, any chance of removing the:


    from the external story links? 🙂


    P.S. A continuation in the “minor irritations feedback for competition entry” series.. 🙂

  2. I’ve actually got nearly everything required for this. Looks like a fun project to try. I need to set up a website to post the results of the various projects I find here and actually complete.

  3. hey i need to vary the speed of my dc motor and all i’ve got is a frequency that varies from 0 to max… i can control the frequency. now i want to control the supply to the motor from a 12v battery to the motor using this frequency. can i use the controller mentioned above. if yes can u guide me how..

  4. i am studant in kvschool in new delhi iam work on rc aroplnes and iam improus

  5. How can I get my hands on the DIY Electronic Speed control for 15 dollar article?


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