December 24, 2007

Capacitor Bank Discharge Experiments

Any website that an RSACi rating of V4 for violent content and describes it’s contents as “fantastically dangerous” is worth my time to look at. William Beatty put together ” CAPACITOR-BANK DISCHARGE EXPERIMENTS” for those of us who think coins are just to big. There are a couple of busted links but plenty of potentially fatal fun. If you have never played with high voltage please be careful.

Gibson Robot Guitar

All of you music lovers, from the extremely musically inclined, to the beginners loath having to tune your guitar over and over again, it gets rather repetitive. Gibson, one of the leading guitar manufacturers who has been raising the bar since they first arrived into the scene, has just launched the bar into the upper troposphere. They have done this with their newest guitar, aptly named The Gibson Robot Guitar.

How to choose an espresso machine

Lets face it, we have all used caffeine from time to time. Sometimes we’ve even used a little too much. That’s still no excuse for drinking bad coffee. Well, the folks at Coffee Geek have written a guide to buying the right equipment. While it won’t make a barrista out of you, you will end up with some cool gear to make your lattes with.

Introducing Bob Funk - New Hacked Gadgets Writer

Hacked Gadgets welcomes Bob Funk as a new writer on the site. The picture of the Moon Doggie above is from the coffee company that he and his wife own and operate. I am sure Bob will keep us in current with the latest caffeinated trends, caffeinated soap comes to mind. 🙂 Bob has also spent many years working in the high tech sector developing cell phone base station equipment,

Plasma Globe Controller

Plasma globes are fascinating. I didn’t think the technology behind them was very complicated. Turns out there is quite a bit of tuning that is possible. This Plasma Globe Controller can adjust the frequency along with other parameters to create new viewing experiences!