December 31, 2007

Solar Picaxe Pool Fountain

If you have a pool why not spend the winter months building something to enjoy in the warmer months? Have a look at this pool project for some inspiration. “This is a solar powered microcontroller driven pool fountain. It was designed to provide an entertaining, pleasant visual and audible water effect in a cordless low-maintenance device. Hardware: The basic hardware design has the following features: – Low-voltage battery powered –

Energy Drink Lamp

This is my own personal mod, it’s simple to make, and it looks great. Great addition to my other individualistic geeky items :] ** Before you take part in this modification, please be aware that you are using an AC house current to power the light bulb, AC can kill. So please, for all of us at Hacked Gadgets, be careful** Materials: 1) 60 Watt light bulb (other wattages can