January 2008

Easy to build CNC Machine

    Interested in building a CNC machine for little money? Have a look at the one that Tom McWire put together. There is some real creative use of common parts here! Video after the jump. "Here is a way to make a computer controlled milling machine. That puts the real power of a computer control machining into the hands of the average human. Small enough to set on the

Name the Thing Contest - 36

  The winner for the last contest will be announced soon. The prize this week is a cable tester that will let you make sure your ethernet project cables are functioning properly. This contest will run for this weekend only (January 26 – 27, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done

Milk and Legos = 3D scanner

  Good, fast and cheap. This is a real headslap idea once you see it. Just take some Lego, milk and a web cam to make a 3D scanner. Then use the software from Moviesandbox to input the image to your computer. I guess you might have to switch to chocolate milk for a light colored object. Of course the idea was borrowed from Michelangelo. Stanford University has a program

LEGO NTX Assembly Line System

  There are few words about the LEGO NTX Assembly Line System that superbird28 has put together but after watching the video you can get a good sense of what it does and how it works. The mechanical timing is superb! If this thing were spray painted with silver paint I would think I was watching a machine that was ready for installation on a factory floor.

Simple IR Hack Derails Polish Trains

 A 14 year old boy hacked the train system in Poland causing four trains to derail and numerous people to get injured. He apparently did this by converting a IR remote control to work with the train system. He had stolen the information needed to build the device along with some of the parts needed from the train storage yard. Of course this is horrible and the boy is completely

UV LED Controller using a PIC 16F628A Microcontroller

  If you need an UV LED timer, or a timer for any other purpose you may be interested in the UV LED Controller that was constructed using a PIC 16F628A Microcontroller. There is a schematic and code available however the original project was not documented in English. Have a look at the Google translation that did a decent job of translating this one. Here is what you need to

Autonomous Sound Finding Robot

  Angela Israni, Hemanshu Chawda and Seth Spiel from Cornell University made this Autonomous Sound Finding Robot as their project for the ECE 476  Designing with Microcontrollers course. They have source code posted if you are interested in having a look. Total cost was $361 which included a $325 Acronome PPRK Robot . Video after the jump.   " The PeanutBot robot consists of three microphone circuits, three servo motors,