So we have all thought about making a custom Ping Pong Ball Printer right? Well maybe not, but this is one cool project. A hopper holds a bunch of balls, one is removed and spun in front of a Parallax Inkjet Printer. The printer sprays text onto the ball as the ball continues to rotate. This is just one section of a larger project called the Ponginator. If you read Nuts and Volts you can read all about the Ping Pong Ball Printer in the current February issue.
"The PingPongPrinter prototype by Vern Graner and Rick Abbott. Uses the Parallax Serial Inkjet print head kit and the EFX-TEK Prop-2 board. Prints text on Ping Pong Balls. The printed balls are used as "ammo" for the PONGINATOR! :)"
But can he do the same on a grain of rice?
dude.. the name says whats its supposed to print to..
PING PONG BALL inkjet printer….. -.-
it means, it’s supposed to print on a Ping Pong ball..
not on a grain of rice…
He could have said “But does it blend” or “Does it play doom”.
A device just like this has been printing golf balls for years at a major golf ball manufacturer. Look for the patent.
Dear Sir,
Wopuld you mind to offer us for;
1) Inkjet printer for Ping Pong
2) Inkjet printer for Golf Ball
Inkjet Head is Xaar ? or other ?
Hah that is sick! What a cool idea, I bet you could sell those balls!