Monkey controls a Robot with Brain Power


If this research wasn’t being performed by a reputable University I wouldn’t have believed that a Monkey could control a Robot with Brain Power!

"In a first-of-its-kind experiment, the brain activity of a monkey has been used to control the real-time walking patterns of a robot halfway around the world, according to researchers at Duke University Medical Center.

The Duke team is working with the Computational Brain Project of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) on technology they hope will one day help those with paralysis regain the ability to walk."


  1. Cowards, why not show the monkey strapped to a treadmill with a opened skull and cables coming out it head? *g*

  2. Reminds me of the blue liquid they use to show how sanitary napkins work.

  3. I was wanting to see the actual experiment also, but I guess most people can only handle the simulation…

  4. now if only the could build a robot monkey controlled brain…

  5. It seems so weird that they would use a monkey rather than a person since you don’t really know what the monkey was thinking. Maybe when it thinks of bananas the robot walks. It’s not like you can ask the monkey “are you still thinking about walking?”.

  6. monkey robot… finally!

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