March 30, 2008

Wireless Gadget Charger

New gadgets are starting to come off the assembly line faster than they can be  acknowledged. This gadget however is a breakthrough. The people from WildCharge came up with a very interesting and useful device. They call it the Wild Charger. It is a pad that you can place various gadgets on to charge.This device works on the basic principal that if two conductive objects meet, current can pass through

Streaming Audio and Video to a Treo 700

  Paysonbadboy has put together a system to watch his home TV on his Treo 700 by using a capture card and the internet. I love the ability for some cheap hardware and a bit on inventive thinking to do something this cool! "I am using a cheap $15 program I actually bought to capture my outdoor security camera that captures pictures when it senses motion. It saves pictures to