April 2008

Windbelt Micro Power Generator built from Hard Drive Voice Coil

  Tool Using Animal has built a few interesting Windbelt Micro Power Generators that use a Hard Drive Voice Coil as the generating coil. His first version can also be found here. I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across the fact that our LEDs were used in the project! The unit is based on Shawn Frayne’s work. "The video shows it in operation, careful tuning of the belt tension causes

Automated White Board

  Sprites Mods has done it again! Their latest hack is this Automated White Board that can take text input from the internet and plot it onto a white board for the world to see (there is a web cam looking at the board). "The idea is that if I want the pen to be off the whiteboard, the electromagnet gets released and the spring will push a perspex rod

Freezer Failure Alarm based on the PIC Microcontroller

  Gadget Freak has a cool Freezer Failure Alarm project that is based on the PIC Microcontroller. Most projects have no important purpose but this one sure does. It could save you hundreds of dollars if you have a freezer full of meat! Looks like a nice simple yet effective design. See this document for full build details. "The gadget is built around a small controller, an alarm and a

VentureOne - Three Wheel Motorcycle

  This VentureOne Three Wheel Motorcycle by Venture Vehicles looks like lots of fun. I like the fact that it is fully enclosed allowing for comfortable driving in bad weather. I think small safe vehicles like this one will be very popular in the next 4 or 5 years since they will be a pleasure to drive and just sip fuel or in this case even just operate on a

DIY Car G-Force Meter

  If the race car driver in you would like to know how many G’s you are pulling this DIY Car G-Force Meter would give you some ideas. Use caution when testing to prevent rear end collisions. 🙂 In the video the back seat driver in me wants to look in the rear view mirror and make sure no one is behind us… Detailed build instructions are provided so that

Slashbot - Guitar Hero Robot by Texas A&M Electrical Engineering

  I know, we have featured a few of these Guitar Hero robots here in the last while… But they are so interesting, this Slashbot Guitar Hero Robot by Texas A&M Electrical Engineering uses similar principals as Auto Guitar Hero did. The main difference is that Slashbot actually presses the keys as it plays. Video after the jump. "Slashbot is especially cool because it literally plays the guitar controller using

Name the Thing Contest - 47

  Congratulations to the last contest winner. The mini helicopter prize this week will help with your hand eye coordination. This contest will run for one week (April 26 – May 1, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.