Touchpad MIDI

Ludo shows us how to turn an Arduino, touchpad and a display into a cool audio device called the Touchpad MIDI.

"I’ve built a MIDI controller around the Arduino. Started from a scavenged Cirque Glidepoint resistive touchpad (PS/2 compatible), 2×8 LCD (in 4 bit mode), two buttons and a serial Arduino board. The buttons when pressed allow to set the Continuous Controller number by gliding the finger on the touchpad. Left for CC# linked to X and right for Y. The LCD displays the value sent in MIDI. Some custom characters where coded into the CGRAM in order to have a sort of bar graph. The first line is for X and the second for Y."


  1. Very cool, there are commercial x-y midi controllers on the market, but I love the notion of being able to customize and build your own.

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