Name the Thing Contest – 48


Congratulations to the last contest winner.
The knife we are giving away this week will help you void warranties like no ones business when you need to crack the next hack open. If you are under age we will have to find something a bit more age appropriate as a prize.
This contest will run for one week (May 3 – May 8, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.


Send an email to contest @ with "Name the Thing Contest" as the subject, and the message body consisting of:

  • The name of the item in the above picture
  • An example of what the item pictured above can be used for

The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.


Added May 9, 2008 

The item to guess was a Large Motor Stator

The winner is Thomas D.

Thanks to all who entered.


Below is a picture of the prize.


  1. hmmmmm *****? *****? no this is *** gun 😀

  2. Easy one, that’s a Stargate!!

  3. ehhhh Alan can you don’t put this ***** ? You stealing all fun ;(

  4. It’s just that some of those guesses were too close to the correct answer.
    Let’s not give too many hints in here; otherwise, what’s the challenge?

  5. Exactly… I like a challenge… And what’s more, if it’s too easy, it means less chance of getting picked for the prize because there are more entries 😀
    Love the contests- Keep ’em coming Alan!

  6. I don’t mind the way out there funny comments. But please keep them far from close. Getting lots of correct entries for this one, I an thinking that it was a bit to easy…

  7. A digital picture frame? The insides of my first digital wrist watch? A uterine cancer detector? The insides of my digital pencil sharpener? What can it be??

  8. No, it’s a giant robot eyeball, complete with laser inducing circuitry

  9. I can’t believe I got it wrong! I thought it was the yoke from a really giant CRT.

  10. I would love to see the size of the TV if that was the case! 🙂

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