Robotic Exoskeleton


This Robotic Exoskeleton by Sarcos has been in development for many years, it still requires a tether but when it will be completely stand alone when it is released. I think the most interesting aspect will be the ability to step out of the exoskeleton and have it continue to perform some duties until you return.



  1. I want one! 😉

  2. I want the loader from Aliens. That is all.

  3. I think people would buy this if they had money…

  4. It’s cool, but it will be pretty hard to get this machine to work fully portable. Where could you get that much energy from?

  5. Those “various models” look like something out of Halo.

    That is simply amazing…

  6. That’s older then yahoo

  7. Forklift? We don’t need no stinking forklift!

  8. Wow… I just watched an episode of “Terminator – The Sarah Connor Cronicles” before i saw this thing… Freaky…

  9. It’s a start.. but why hooks? Why not fingers as well? You’d have more control over them instead of hooks. Also they would be better if the arms could extend as well. For the other models, would be nice if they had HUD and maybe build in weapons. Right now it looks like a future medival suit of armor. Bulky and can’t move that much.

  10. Yeah… “lightyears” is distance, not time 😉

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