With this circuit those videos of people pulling the correct ropes to ring the right bells in sequence may be over. The Church Bell Automation (zip project file) system allows for lots of customization, I just have to figure out where I am going to install 5 or 6 bells in my garage. 🙂
"This circuit is a church bell controller. Basic component is an ATmega32 microcontroller. At the circuit 1 24LC32 eeprom memories is being used. As control I created a menu who will be appeared on 4×20 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The menu browsing can be done by 6 buttons at the face of the circuit’s box (Menu, Up, Down, Enter, Start, Stop). The all firmware binds about 30Kbytes flash memory and can be increased by adding new features-functions. This program has been written in C with CVAVR compiler. The idea of this circuit is being given by a friend of mine who has an foundry and he is building bells. I have made the PCB by my self."