July 2008

NES Cartridge Game Hack

  Darkeru posted his NES Cartridge Game Hack in the Ben Heck forum. He has done a great job of fitting it into a standard cartridge and making it playable with a normal looking game pad layout. "as you can see, i rigged up some tac switches into the right formations so i can use the pads from a nes remote, then connected them to a ground i found and

Name the Thing Contest - 54

  The prize will let you rewire your network closet. This contest will run for one week (July 12 – July 18, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.   Send an email to contest @ hackedgadgets.com with "Name the

Robotic Band - The Trons

  The Trons is one band that will sound the same in concert and on their recordings! "The Trons are a completely self playing robotic junk band! They are made mostly from old computer and mechanical parts and play original songs using an array of old amps and instruments. They now have five gigs under their belt and have just completed Hamilton’s Ignition Fringe Festival."   Via: Pixel y Dixel

Nintendo Nunchuck takes control 3D Studio Max with the help of an Arduino

  Melka demonstrates how to use a Nintendo Nunchuck to control 3D Studio Max with the help of an Arduino microcontroller. The code is available so that you can play with it yourself. "Here’s my setup under windows : – Arduino using a WiiChuck adapter from todbot (thanks kurt ^^) and the WiiChuck library from Tim Hirzel – Data sent to Processing via serial connection and translated to MIDI CC

Automatic Cat Water Dispenser

Sixerdoodle has created a bunch of cool projects, this Automatic Cat Water Dispenser is one of cool! Why not automate some of your pet tasks. 🙂 "Somehow our cats learned to drink from the faucet. We’d turn the water on for them, but they never turn it off when they were done! I’m sure there are other cat owners out there with a similar problem. So, I built the Cat

Seascout - Automatic Lifeguard Rescue Boat

  New Zealander based Andre Harley has come up with an interesting concept, an automated vehicle would be able to rescue you to when you get into trouble on the water. Having a bunch of these ready to spring into action could be better protection than a few lifeguards watching over a huge section of water. "Each swimmer wears a GPS unit which can be activated should the swimmer become

Nintendo Gamecube WALL-E Case Mod

  This Nintendo Gamecube WALL-E Case Mod looks just like the robot in the movie WALL-E. "So, you have an old Nintendo Gamecube just sitting in your house. What should you do with it? Maybe try something like this. I can’t think of a better way to show your old, dusty Gamecube some love, than to mod it into an adorable robot from the latest Pixar success, WALL-E." Via: Digg