My 2.0 Home – Pipe Organ Chair


The gang at My 2.0 Home have put together many cool projects over the last while. All of their projects are off the wall and well documented. Once you are done with the Pipe Organ Chair video above get a sneak peek behind the scenes and see the setup where everything comes together. I sure wish I had a stocked tool area like that. 🙂



  1. cool video.

  2. Hmm,
    yeah the pipe organ chair is pretty cool, but I reckon if I had to watch a whole episode with that blithering idiot saying “stuff” every three seconds and waving his hands around like a kid on a sugar high, I’d probably want to smash my own head through a wall before the first ad break.

    On a serious note I hope he ties his hair back before he uses any of those fancy toys, unless he actually wants the living flesh ripped from his skull-“schuulpp!”

    Unrestrained hair + high speed toolage = messy painfull trip to the ER.

  3. Alan don’t edit funy comments ! 😀

  4. Hi Lukasz,

    I only edit them if people would take offense to them, I know it is a fine line. I do tend to keep most of them up and non edited though. Thanks for the comments!

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