November 2008

DIY Electronic Drums

  DrumDror3000 has constructed a very elaborate DIY drum system. Using PVC pipe, wood, sponge, rubber adnd some piezo sensors he is able to create electronic drum signals that his custom electronics is able to monitor and reproduce fantastic drum sounds. "As you will see in the video i decide to use PVC pipes and parts due to that the parts are some how like Lego, but it not so

Rat Brain Robot - Cultured Brain Cells operate a Robot

  I hope this article doesn’t creep out as many people as the Remote Controlled Pigeon article did. It looks like researchers have found a way to take some brain cells and repourposed them to operate a robot. Have a look at this New Scientist article for more information. "It’s these spontaneous electrical patterns that researchers at the University of Reading in the UK want to harness to control a