iPhone Pencil and Rubber Band Stand


If you have an iPhone are watching some long video holding it in your hand will get old fast. Here is a quick and easy Pencil and Rubber Band Stand that you can build from some office supplies in a few minutes. 


  1. Now thats my kind of hack. I always use stuff for things they ware never intended for but ended up being at hand.

  2. Amazing. I had no idea arts and crafts are Hacked [define: a modification of a program or device to create or give the user access to features that were otherwise unavailable] Gadgets [define: a small technological object (such as a device or an appliance) that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty, considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than normal technology at the time of their invention].

    I can’t to see what delightful office-drone art project is featured next: a cut-up sock / paperclip USB drive holder, perhaps?

  3. This is such a simple and cost-effective solution. I want to create one for my Blackberry.

  4. For podcasting I saved $40 on a Microphone Desk Stand by screwing the microphone into a stack of 3 cds. Its a perfect fit and looks and holds better than anything on the market.

  5. I’m thankful after watching this nice blog. This is really an amazing idea and also a great art.

  6. definitely need to build 1 of these to protect it from drink spillage at work.

  7. Dude …invest in a t.v…. and obama…ohhh boy…we are doomed!!

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