Isophone – Future of Phone Calling


Have you ever had a phone call and you got so distracted that you lost a few sentences of what the other person was saying? Yes it has happened to all of us, with TVs, Internet, IM, text messages… Well this Isophone will take care of that, just jump into the pool and slip on the stylish hat and dial away. I think those distractions will be a thing of the past real soon. 🙂

"The Isophone is essentially a telecommunications device providing a service that can be described simply as a meeting of the telephone and the floatation tank. The user wears a helmet that blocks out all peripheral sensory distraction whilst keeping the head above the surface of the water. The water is heated to body temperature blurring the physical boundaries of the users body. Floating in this manner frees up to 90% of the brains workload normally engaged with calculating the lie of gravity. In combination, a space is created for providing a pure, distraction free environment for making a telephone call."


  1. As pointless as it is. I gave a couple of ideas to use for a VR setup, anyone has 250K $ to borrow ?

  2. But, what if you *already* view telephone calls as ‘distracting’?

    Just something like this to block out the everyday noise would be welcome..

  3. I don’t have a pool. Do I need to go to the local YMCA to use this? lol
    Just kidding. Interesting idea, but not terribly practical.

  4. I like how the water is heated to body temperature, but they should also make it highly saline, as to make the user neutrally buoyant. Alternately, an inflatable belt to help cancel out the person’s weight would also do the trick. Then you wouldn’t have to tred water while talking – you could just “float” there.

  5. Hey Pouncer,

    When these catch on the YMCA will have scheduled times for use of this device, it will be just after aquacise at 6:30.

  6. say Brrrain Canncer??

  7. the guy in the last pic look like he has a stiffy

  8. The only real use I can see for this is VR, and then there’s the thickness of the water to worry about. Constantly feeling like you’re underwater would probably ruin the effect. Unless you were playing a game that takes place entirely underwater, I guess…

  9. You’re hanging by your chin… your head is barely out of the water… in a dark little box… just FLOATING around. Neck pain, newly found drowning fears, claustrophobia, disorientation. And on top of that, you’re talking to someone who’s doubly distracted cause he’s covering for you because you just have to use your new Poolphone.

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