Name the Thing Contest – 77

The prize this week is a loupe magnifier. This contest will run for one week (Feb 28 – March 5, 2009) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it.

Please do not give the answer in the comments. 

Send an email to contest @ with "Name the Thing Contest" as the subject, and the message body consisting of:

  • The name of the item in the above picture
  • An example of what the item pictured above can be used for

The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.


Added March 21, 2009

The item to guess was a mini push button switch

The winner is Ricardo  R. (There were 173 entries)


Below is a picture of the prize.



  1. That’s a nice looking hard drive enclosure 🙂

  2. Looks like Alan’s been copy-pasting again… 😀

  3. LOL, darn I changed that… I guess the last save never happened. 🙂 Thanks for the catch guys.

  4. pff too easy

  5. Wait, a ” loupe magnifier enclosure.”???!? ROFLMAO!

  6. loupe magnifier enclosure – just the right half of the prize, for those who have extras of the left half…

  7. Wow, I think I need a bit more coffee in the morning… It should be correct now. The prize is the entire magnifier (not just the holder). I think by the time the contest is over the text will be correct. 😉

  8. While we’re at it, your article seems to be missing the following text 😀
    Added February 28, 2009
    The item to guess was a blankity blank blank.
    The winner is VintagePC (Comment #8) (There were 185 entries)

  9. Nuclear Football?

  10. This is *** ***.

  11. Mikas;

    >This is a ***** *****.

    Did you ever have someone ruin the suspense a movie by telling you what was about to happen?

    Did you ever have someone kill the enjoyment of reading a book by telling you the ending?

    Did you ever have someone take the fun out of a Name the Thing Contest by publicly posting the answer?

    Please don’t destroy this contest for everyone else. Thank you.

  12. This one’s been bugging me – it looks so familiar. Now that the contest is over what is it?

  13. dont you see a button ? just in smaller smd package

  14. Looked a little over-robust to me for a SMD push button.

  15. — On Sun, 3/1/09, Bruce Cree wrote:

    From: Bruce Cree
    Subject: Fw: name that thing
    To: “”
    Date: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 1:33 PM

    sorry it could be used to make keyboards for little devices (like remotes)

    — On Sun, 3/1/09, Bruce Cree wrote:

    From: Bruce Cree
    Subject: name that thing
    To: “”
    Date: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 1:24 PM

    surface mount switch

    bruce cree

  16. sorry i guess i didn’t read the instructions, but i didn’t post my email untill after we should have found out who would win.

  17. when the winner will be announced?we’re waiting more than 2 weeks!

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