March 26, 2009

Shut Down Your Computer With A Text Message

  I don’t use Outlook as my mail reader but if I did this would be a cool hack to shutdown computers (or launch other programs). I could see this to be useful to perform backups on demand without having to log into the actual computer. It isn’t very secure but it is a good example of security through obscurity. Via: Tugatronica    

DIY Weather Station Project - PIC 18F452 Based

Knowing the current weather condition is nice. Instead of turning on the TV and turning to the weather channel why not spend a few weekends and build your very own DIY Weather Station Project. It is based on the PIC 18F452 microcontroller and has great documentation. “Weather station with pressure reading, relative humidity, indoor & remote outdoor temperature display.Both Celsius or Fahrenheit & mbar/hPa or mm Hg supported. With calendar