April 4, 2009

Tweeting RFID Cat Door

  If you like to keep track of what’s going on in your house why not track the in and out activity of your pets. This Tweeting RFID Cat Door does exactly that! Have a look at the Twitter results of Gus and Penny. The other beneficial side effect is that it keeps all of the neighbor cats out of the food you buy for your animals. 🙂 "Each cat

CC1101 RF Modem + 250mW Range Extender

  Muris over at Elektronika.ba has built a 250mW Range Extender for the CC1101 RF Modem. At first glance it does not look anything like a DIY project until you read further and realize that the surface mount components on the board were soldered using a clothes iron. Full project details are included so even if you don’t need this project you can learn some techniques from it. "Here is

Name the Thing Contest - 82

The prize this week is a hard drive enclosure. This contest will run for one week (April 4 – April 9, 2009) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email to contest @ hackedgadgets.com with "Name the Thing Contest"