April 6, 2009

1600 Volt Can Crusher

  You can buy can crushers at Costco, place your can in the opening, pull a lever and viola you have a squished can. Of course you can achieve the same results using some high voltage electronics. 🙂 Bob Davis has the right idea here, he is letting technology make his recycling life easier with his 1600 Volt Can Crusher. All it takes is 1600 volts and a bit of

Bots 4 Tots provides kids with some Robotic Building fun

  There are lots of programs for things such as providing sports equipment to kids who would otherwise not be able to afford it. The Chicago area has a great bunch of people who are bringing robot building to young people who would otherwise not be able to afford it. The group is called Bots 4 Tots, if you want to give someone a helping hand into this wonderful industry

Control X10 Modules using an iPhone

  There are many ways to go about automating your home. One of the easiest methods is to use X10 technology which uses the existing AC house wiring for communication. This is nice because you can control lights and appliances without running any wires in your walls. Xtenscape which was developed by Scott Hather allows you to take control of this X10 technology using the free custom built app. There