Jeri Ellsworth Projects – CD-ROM Cup Holder Heater and Cooler, Floppy Disk Audio Recorder


Jeri Ellsworth who is well known for her C-One creation has been working on some crazy projects over at FatMan and Circuit Girl! Hack a Day featured the Floppy Disk Audio Recorder which is a thing of beauty. It can record about a 1/2 second on each track and uses the internal sensor to automatically move the head to the next track after every disk rotation. See that video below. Jeri also has made a crazy CD-ROM Cup Holder Heater and Cooler, unlike my lame joke version, this one uses a peltier device to provide cooling and some microprocessors to provide the heating!


  1. You should watch the “Fatman and circuit girl cast” series on Vimeo :
    All of Jeri’s hacks are remarkably inventive. If she was born in the 15th century her last name would probably have been Da Vinci.

  2. Thanks Vic,

    That is a better list. She sure has done lots of cool work!

  3. I’m not sure which I like more, her work or her collection of arcade games.

  4. Hey, cool post. My Dad and I were discussing this just the other day, and he had some weird ideas! lol Are you going to extend this? I would love to learn more 🙂

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