May 19, 2009

Led Matrix Dice - Shake to Roll

  This Led Matrix Dice made by Itay Donenhirsch looks very cool. Give it a shake to roll a new number. "The cube is driven by three 1.5V small button cells (which are sold here as batteries for EasyPark computerized parking ticket). The brain of this gadget is a ATmega168. The ATmega168 is programmed using avr-gcc and avr-libc. The MCU is connected to the matrices using a ULN2008 as a

Arduino Drum Kit

  This Piezo Drum Kit from Spikenzie Labs looks like it could provide days of fun. They provide interface software that allows you to output MIDI data from your Arduino that this kit is connected to. Thanks for the tip Andy, send us some pictures when yours is built! "The kit contains the electronic parts required to make a drum kit. This includes the circuit board, resistors, diodes and pins.