64 RGB-LED Color Table


Edo from Germany built a real cool LED table that is controlled by Arduino microcontrollers. As soon as we get some more details we will add it to this article. Edo sent in some pictures and some text about the design and himself. Thanks Edo.

Via: Top 5 Cool Tables Comments

"My name is Edo, I am a 23 years old from Hamburg Germany and I’m studying computer science at the Hamburg university of applied science. I used one Arduino Duemilinove to control 12 TLC5940 Chips. There is is one 5mm RGB LED in each of the 64 sections. The dimensions of the Table are 50x50x12 centimeters The cladding is made of self brushed aluminum. In the future I’d like to take an Arduino BT to program the table wirelessly."



  1. Want.

  2. I think it might be a bit out of my price range to make… look at those rgb units sold at sparkfun they are NOT cheap…

  3. Every single led table has to have game of life. Why am I not seeing one?

  4. Nice table. I always liked interactive kind of things. What R these HI-tech adverts? I dont need them, I already use hi-tech compilers.

  5. I really like this and love the touchscreen capability. Are you going to supply instructions on how to do it?

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