Green Thinking – It is easy to do your part


It is nice to see all of the ways we can reduce our energy consumption. For example the hacked Kill a Watt (now called the Tweet-a-Watt) can help you monitor your power consumption. Intel is making processors that are will use less energy by changing the way some fundamental things are done, this equates to a $2 billion dollar saving in energy fees. Google been growing at an amazing rate and this means that their data centers also need to grow, you can read about their attempts to offset their impact on the planet here. HP has made some cool videos and started a Power to Change campaign that get the point across in a simple way. I must say that I am often guilty of keeping many computers running all night just to save a few minutes in the morning. I think I might have to reevaluate how I use energy.

“HP estimates that if 100,000 users shut down their work computers at the end of each day, energy savings could total more than 2,680 kilowatt-hours and carbon emissions reductions could total more than 3,500 pounds per day. This is the equivalent of eliminating more than 105 cars from the road each day.”


  1. second vid is so funny ha ha ha

  2. Fascinating.. i don’t know anybody who doesn’t shut down his computer when he’s finished with working. Must be an American Problem.

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