Rolling Apple Power Mac G4 Cube using LEGO NXT


This Rolling Apple Power Mac G4 Cube hack will allow your computer to tell you how it feels. If you are over working it could turn and roll away. 🙂 That would be a great concept but the guts of the mod take up the entire inside of the box. 🙁 It still looks real cool to see a computer case driving around on a table!

Via: The NXT Step

"This creation utilizes all of the default electronics from a LEGO Mindstorms NXT set. Crammed into the iconic Apple Power Mac G4 Cube’s famous "8-inch" (acrylic) cube are a LEGO NXT programmable brick, 3 interactive servo motors and all 4 sensors: touch, sound, light, and ultrasonic. It operates in 2 modes:

  1. Autonomous mode – relying on its sensors to interact with its environment
  2. BlueTooth remote control mode"




  1. Pff random materialized connection skill 🙂

  2. wow… unbelievable. who got the idea!!! amazing:-)

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