I purchased a small model rocket kit a about 10 years ago, it was lots of fun until it got permanently stuck in a tree. I can just imagine how much more fun it would have been if I could have experienced the flight from a perspective other than from a fixed ground based location. Well, I Build Rockets has done exactly that. They have strapped a cheap $11.50 camera to a rocket and recorded a fantastic launch and recovery. The only thing more interesting to me other than the actual footage is how nice and warm it looks for early December!
“I decided to try out the new ‘Gum stick’ camera I recently purchased on eBay. The rocket was a quick scratch-build, BT50 with a 18mm motor mount. Both launches were on an Estes C6-5 with an altitude of just a few hundred feet, recovery under a 12″ Mylar parachute. Ideal shake-down flights for the camera.”
Thought I recognised the accents, nice and warm early December Australian weather 🙂
Three New Years ago I was in Melbourne, got upto 42 degrees C on New Years Eve and was still higher then 30 degrees C at midnight!
Did you spot that crazy big 8-segment digit?, it is huge!
The cameras-on-model-rockets routine is an ongoing project for a lot of people but I think this sets some kind of new low-price point.
Neat! Watching it tho was a bit rough of the equilibrium.
Hi Alan,
Thanks for featuring my rocket!
@sp00nix – Yes, does spin a bit, I’m planning on building something bigger to fly it in that should be more stable 🙂
@Paul – We had a nice warm one the other day – Monday’s overnight low was 37c (98.6f) ew!!