July 2009

Super Speed Robot Hands

  I would like to see this crazy robot play a match of table tennis with a human. Prepare to be amazed, these videos are unbelievable! Via: Hack a Day and Bot Junkies "Interactions in the real world (not only physical but also social and psychological interactions) are inherently parallel phenomena. By constructing models and engineering systems that take into account such parallelism, one can expect a better understanding of

Display Text on Oscilloscope using PIC16F628A

  This Oscilloscope Display project uses no external components! All you need is the microcontroller and a power source. Source code is provided so you can build your own. Via: Electronics Lab "After programming the micro via the ICSP connector, place a jumper between the pins VDD and VPP (reset input tied to Vdd). The oscilloscope will be set for 2mS/div on X axis and 1V/div on Y axis. One

Metal Finding Robot

  This Metal Finding Robot is a work in progress. The creator hopes that it will find enough money to self fund its completion. That is a goal that I am sure most robot creators could only dream of. I could see letting a few of these loose in a park the day after a big event and collecting tons of cash! "The Metal Detector consists of 2 separate detetor

64 RGB-LED Panel with Multi-Touch

  Edo has just added multi-touch capability to his 64 RGB-LED Panel with Multi-Touch. This is an enhancement to the initial design which later got video capability. Keep up the great work Edo! Hopefully Edo will pass along some details and pictures of his work.

Let Arduino Play - Brico Geek Project

  Our friends over at Brico Geek are having a cool Arduino based contest called Let Arduino Play. All you need to do is make a cool game using an Arduino and enter. There are lots of cool prizes to be won so it’s sure to be a fun contest. I am one of the judges and am looking forward to seeing all of the entries! Note that the main

MIDI Shoe Hack

  This shoe hack allows you to play MIDI with you shoes! No more boring walking around, now you can play a tune where every you go. 🙂 "I’ve put together a pair of shoes that, with a little help from an Arduino, will let me trigger MIDI signals. There are FSRs (Force Sensitive Resistors) in the heels and toes of the shoes, which serve as the tap sensors. Basically,

Make your own Magic Mirror using Arduino Microcontroller

  This Magic Mirror is an interesting way to get caught up on what is happening today. It will tell you how your stocks are doing, the local weather and more. It is also sure to be the most elaborate door bell that will be a conversation piece to all who see it. The software and electronics needed are sold as a kit. See the install steps here. "Take that