RC Plane that fires Air to Ground Rockets

Pasqualy sent in this cool video of his modified RC plane that has been outfitted with rocket launchers and a camera. This is one way to get some unwanted neighbors to move in a hurry. 🙂

"I did some air to ground rocket launching with remote video from the airplane. I also let the kids on the ground do their best to shoot me down using air bust fireworks. Made a great 4th of July. "


  1. Very cool video. Nice work.

  2. Wow, what kind of camera is that? theres so much flight information on it including lat/long, speed, and bearing..

  3. More info on the video link please. Is that a VR head mount display that moves the camera based on head movement?

  4. This is what he said on his youtube page:

    “Whenever I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True Story.

    Info for those asking:
    My FPV info can be seen here http://www.pasqualy.com/FPV/

    The GPS data on the OSD might be a little off, I set my home position with too few satallites so wierd stuff happened and it shows negative altitude etc.

    I’m using the Remzibi OSD (it rocks!). You can find more info here: http://www.happykillmore.com/Software/faq.asp

    I had originally intended to block the GPS data because of creepy internet people but it made the video crappy and anyone can find me anyway.

    The video is transmitted real time to me and I have a set of video goggles that I fly with. You will see a picture of me with a hood on at the beginning, this is to block the light etc.

    You can buy stuff like this at places like http://www.rangevideo.com and http://www.dpcav.com etc. But be warned, you need to have quite a bit of electrical know how to get this to all work well.

    The music is Sonne by Rammstien. It has nothing to do with invading poland. 🙂 It’s about a boxer if I understand right, you can see the real music video which has nothing to do with boxing here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfHlA3fmJG0 .

    Also, I didn’t hit that tree! I just just sort of landed really close to it. :)”

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