Laser Cat Toy built using a Parallax Microcontroller


This is an interesting Laser Cat Toy project that uses a Parallax Microcontroller to move a servo controlled laser pointer. It uses a remote control to move around and fire the laser.

"Parts used:
One bi-color LED with common cathode.
One bi-color LED (the one from the What’s a Microcontroller kit)
Two Continuous Rotation Servos (BOE BOT kit)
One "Standard" 180 degree servo (WAM kit)
IR detector (from BOE-BOT kit)
Piezo speaker (from BOE-BOT kit)
40 cents (What? I needed a spacer and 4 dimes fit the bill just right.)
Some jumper wire
2 4.7K resistors
1 22 ohm resistor"

1 Comment

  1. Hope You don’t blind Your cat with that laser.

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