1. Ahhh… so we get to do the dirty work, huh? πŸ™‚

  2. I’m pretty sure this is one of the early designs for a medieval toenail clipper.

  3. The winner will probably be chosen from 2 correct answers XD

  4. This one is easy – it’s an “Unknown Old Tool” πŸ™‚ Actually, with a little hunting you can find it…

  5. At first I thought it was a heavy duty antique carrot peeler…

  6. Looks insidious! Keep it away from my fingers.

  7. Haven’t seen one of these in ages. I’ll give a hint. It’s a thing that does something.

  8. LOL Vintagepc,

    I can’t have the answers all the time. πŸ™‚

  9. Hi Kozz,

    Either that or a medieval torture device. Maybe it wasn’t the mob who removed fingernails as a form of punishment!

  10. Wow Jody,

    That carrot peeler would also infuse the vegetable with lots of iron. πŸ™‚

  11. I think you narrowed it down too far Josh. You have just ruled out the entire family of paper weights…

  12. I don’t know what it is either but I noticed my dentist has one. Next time I’m under the N2O I’ll ask him what it is.

  13. Ha! I’ve even figured out the brand name!

  14. @almost_there
    Oh dear lord. if it truly was one, you’d need 5 tetanus shots after using it.

  15. eeewww….

  16. Looks like a *** *** to me

  17. Hi Doomer,

    Please send in your guess using the email address shown. Please note that this time the contest needs proof of what it is.

  18. Just a heads up guys, if you want some good odds of winning a contest it’s looking like this one could have the best odds yet!

  19. Crap…. my bad I am so used to just having the rply option…. sorry about that!

  20. Lemme guess:
    “And the winner is: (name). There were 2 entries.”.

  21. Lemme guess:
    “And the winner is: (name). There were 2 (correct) entries.”.

  22. Sorry about the double post.
    I just realized that the above would really suck if you didn’t win, and you know you got it right πŸ™‚

  23. i cant find it :s

  24. finally found it .. was driving me crazy.. couldn’t think of the word

  25. Any winner yet? πŸ˜›

  26. Hi Andy,

    We do have some correct answers but the contest is still on so a winner can’t be selected quite yet. πŸ™‚

  27. Whoops! I forgot to put a link to a website for proof! Is that absolutely vital or do you have a pretty good idea already from the other correct entries? Can I email you again?

  28. Hi Redleader,

    Yes, just send in a second email with the link. I do know what it is now but I want everyone to have to provide the same type of answer so that it is fair.

  29. looks like its for stripping something..like a bark or skin..lolz

  30. Is there a winner?

  31. OK, so this contest deadline has passed… can someone with a clue tell us what this is? It’s killing me! πŸ˜‰

  32. >OK, so this contest deadline has passedÒ€¦ can someone with a clue tell us what this is?
    >ItÒ€ℒs killing me!

    Kozz, see Comment #17; it’s for the “Do It Yourself” type of person.

  33. Who won?

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