August 7, 2009

Name the Thing Contest - 98

The prize this week is a cable tester. This contest will run for one week (Aug 8 – 14, 2009) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email to contest @ with "Name the Thing Contest" as the

Biomimicry - Look to Nature for Inspiration

Biomimicry is an interesting concept, we always think that our solutions to the problems that face us are solid and sound. Janine Benyus shows us that it’s a good idea to see if the world around us has already solved the problem. Looking to Nature for Inspiration could be something that we start to see more of in the future. We used to say why reinvent the wheel, I wonder

High Voltage Short Circuits

  You may remember this high voltage demonstration that we featured in the past. High voltage electricity is not something to play around with. Here are some interesting examples of some high voltage short circuits. We normally think that wood is a fairly good insulator but as you crank up the voltage it isn’t that good as you will see.  I wonder what a squirrel is thinking just before he