Happy new year! I thank everyone that participated in the contest. The lucky winner of the prizes listed below is BronzeG3! |
1 Year of Make Magazine “The first magazine devoted entirely to DIY technology projects, MAKE Magazine unites, inspires and informs a growing community of resourceful people who undertake amazing projects in their backyards, basements, and garages.” |
1 Year of either Nuts and Volts or Servo (your choice) “Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experimenter. The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, microcontrollers, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, and more, not to mention the popular BASIC Stamp.” |
120 LED Assortment Kit “This Package includes 120 LEDs: |
$50 Gift Certificate at Think Geek “ThinkGeek started as an idea. A simple idea to create and sell stuff that would appeal to the thousands of people out there who were on the front line and in the trenches as the Internet was forged. From programmers, engineers, students, lovers of open source, to the masses that helped create the behind-the-scenes Internet culture. ThinkGeek started as a way to serve a market that was passionate about technology.” |
woot! I feel special!
Congratz man big ups!