DIY Game of Life Build using a PIC 12F683


Droky sent in a great DIY Game of Life Build that uses a PIC 12F683. There are lots of details and he also provides the board layout and the PIC code so you could make your own. The capacitive sensors are a nice touch, the board also looks very well done!
Here is the English Google translated version.

"As it did not have enough memory on the PIC, I broke the screen with a grid and thus convert the 84×48 array of pixels in a 25×17 matrix (405 cells) that I do fit in the RAM of the PIC. The next problem was to calculate the next generation, and he needed two RAM arrays, one for the incoming generation and one for output. I’ve solved by calculating the next generation line by line and using a LIFO stack of type 2 levels on 2 variables of type vector."

Game of life from Droky on Vimeo.


  1. I don’t get it.

  2. Scott, it’s an implementation of Conway’s game of life. It’s a zero-player game where you start with a given population of cells (pixels) which then evolve in discreet time according to a certain set of rules. Look it up if you want to learn more. First button adds random cells, second button starts/stops the simulation.

    The game of life is always a fun project. Too bad he published everything except the source code.

  3. Hi,
    I’ve posted the sources.
    Sorry, but are poor commented.

  4. Thanks for the update ! It looks like you forgot to actually include the .c file in the archive, however :^)

  5. Oh,sad…:(
    Sorry, yes i forget to include the .c file.
    Now it’s included.

  6. Anyone know where to get 3310 lcd where the metal connector is glued to the glass? I can only find some that are sandwiched together by the metal bracket and the plastic plate.

    Thanks if you can help

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