Laser Projector Prototypes


Have a look at the TinyProjector Lab Notebook project for some cool laser projection prototyping. See two of the ten prototypes below.

Via: Elektronika

"The biggest challenge for designers of mobile communication devices is presenting large amounts of information on very small displays. As the form factor of these devices continues to get smaller and our demand for mobile information continues to grow, the task only gets more difficult.

·         8 Lumex laser diodes

·         Single, compact row

·         Separately 3D printed holder for lenses and diodes

·         Diodes mounted with U shaped double wires

·         Sweeping mirror (single strip stainless steel), mounted on single axle at one edge of strip

·         Driven via one-arm crank (aluminum) and 6mm pager motor

·         Closed-loop system with IR LED and photodiode

·         Refresh rate 25Hz

·         Bigger PIC (16F877) with enough memory to display all characters"


  1. If the mirrors are tilted relative to each other, it’s possible to make the entire projection with only one laser, although the speed of the drum and brightness of laser would have to be increased. On a second thought, any misalignment in the mirror drum as pictured will cause unwanted ghost images. Would like to see how it’s going on.

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