September 2009

Furuta Pendulum

  Watch the video above to get an appreciation of what the double pendulum is capable of when it is free wheeling. Have a look at the furuta pendulum project that Oyvindbjo made at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. I have added some of the calculations from Wikipedia for some amusement (I have no idea how to decipher it). "For swing-up it uses feedback linearization and a controller that

Near Space Photography for $150

Embedded video from CNN Video   Oliver Yeh, Justin Lee, Eric Newton have put a camera into near space and took a ton of pictures for a cost of only $150. The most interesting thing is that unlike most of these balloon projects there was no custom electronics involved. Instead they used a GPS enabled cell phone to send them the GPS location data. "We designed a low cost balloon-launch

Crystal Monster - RGB LED Sculpture

  This is a cool work of art by Tod Kurt called the Crystal Monster. It shows off the power of 18 BLINKM MAXM that are neatly placed in the custom laser cut box. You probably remember some of the cool Roomba Hacking that Tod also does. "It’s made from over 400 sheets of laser-cut acrylic, more that 240 feet of LED tape (>2200 RGB LEDs!), and around 500 steel

Spinning RGB LED Ball Display

  Carl sent in this Spinning RGB LED Ball Display project that he did when he was only 16! The visual effects are fantastic. There are a few images of the actual system at the end of the video and it looks very well done. Hopefully we can get some more pictures of the system.

Smart Lawn Sprinkler

Syncin’ n’ Sprinkin’ from Pete Lewis on Vimeo.   Pete Lewis from Spark Fun have built a cool Smart Lawn Sprinkler project that is designed to save water by only putting it where it can be used. It does this by varying the water pressure to restrict the distance that the sprinkler can spray. It is a crude method but works very well! A potentiometer is used to measure the

R2D2 has 8 Game Consoles inside

  Console makers are always trying to make their machine sleeker and sexier than the competition. In the end the consoles usually look like a black or white rectangular box. If you are tired of the ordinary why not stuff all of your favorite consoles in something that look cool like a R2D2? That is exactly what Brian De Vitis did! Via: Popular Science via Hack N Mod  

AION game played using Treadmill and Wiimote sensing Flapping

The guys over at Mana Potions have developed a cool new way to play the new AION and get some exercise at the same time. Looks like running and flapping at the same time may be kind of hard but it is a good idea to get a bit of a workout. I wonder how long it will be before more game consoles and game manufactures make exercise part of