Switchital – Moving 7 Segment Digital Wall Clock


Swiss designer Matthias Pugin has made a crazy clock called Switchital which is a Moving 7 Segment Digital Wall Clock that works by moving hidden magnets which arrange bars of 7 segment displays. At first I thought this was a design simulation but I think it’s real! I would like to have a look at the guts inside the clock and the controller that is an amazing choreographer.

EDIT: Matthias just got back to me. It’s currently a concept but a prototype is in the works. I can’t wait to see how the internals are configured when it is built.

Via: Gadzetomania


  1. Actually I’m pretty sure that’s just a 3D animation of a design concept, it hasn’t been manufactured yet.

  2. no way, thats not real 😀

  3. Not impossible, but the video is absolutely not real. Pretty cool idea though 🙂

  4. The non-believers are correct… See the article for an update.

  5. This is just a 3D animation and some renderings. But I’m working on a prototype…

  6. @Matthias: can’t wait to see some real stuff, looks fantastic!

  7. I was just saying

    it’s a great idea, I’d love to have one

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