DIY Foam Cutting CNC Machine


Mitch Schoch from built an interesting 4 axis DIY Foam Cutting CNC Machine. It has lots of control since all 4 motors can be driven independently. His design is modular, he has used phone jacks and 24 gauge phone cable to provide power the motors. Everything was purchased from the local hardware store so there are no exotic parts in the unit. From the video he looks to be using standard threaded rod and some big drawer slides to provide smooth motion with the use of the stepper motors.



  1. R/C plane fanatics would pay a lot of money for one of these!

  2. what he uses for that wire? which is cutting threw that thing? what wire is that i mean what material?

  3. R/C plane fanatics build these as there are heaps of free instructables on the web. It’ll cost you about 100+ dollars to make one if you find a scrap transformer etc.

    they usually use NiChrome wires, which are cheap and readily available in hobby shops for this purpose. You just need a transformer and make sure you don’t burn your fingers. Advanced homebuilders even employ temperature sensors as the the wire-voltage needs to be regulated to match the size and length of the cut.

  4. This design has been around for many years… I built exactly the same thing from a design found on the web 5 years ago. Worked well but had its flaws(accuracy).

  5. How can I download the cnc controler schematics ? what kind of steppers motors can i

  6. what kind of steppers can i use? Thanks

  7. Hi Rene,

    The creator didn’t provide those detail, but as Ado indicated there are lots of sites with similar information.

  8. HI Mike please get back with me vey intrested to talk to you email me your number i like to talk to you Fernando Liorti i am in Toronto Canada

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