November 2009

Flashing RGB LED Project

  Do you know someone who wants to learn a bit about electronics? Wiring up some components is the first step in starting the journey. Or maybe you just want to try out some of these cool Flashing RGB LEDs! With a total project cost of between $2.00 and $3.00 the time is right to try some of these things out. They can add some fun to the holidays that

Name the Thing Contest - 108

Thanks to Protostack for sponsoring the contest this week. They will be providing a ATMEGA168 Development Kit and a USBASP AVR Programmer to the winner. The development kit contains everything you need to start building ATMEGA168 circuits. The AVR programmer is based on the Thomas Fischl’s USBasp design and connects to your computer’s USB port. The USB interface is achieved by using an atmega processor and the rest is done

DIY Laser Light Show using Speakers

  If you have a laser pointer, a few speakers, an old radio and some small mirrors you are all set to make your own DIY Laser Light Show. Alex Wiebe from Flyinglow created the project based on one he read about in the pages of Make magazine.  The first video shows the system configuration and it operating under normal lighting conditions, the second video is in the dark and

Solar Hot Water Heater

  I wasn’t aware that central hot water was rare in Brazil, here in Canada every home has central hot water and it is just taken for granted that every house has a large electric or gas heated hot water tank. Jacob Teater wanted to cut his electrical bill by installing a Solar Hot Water Heater and re-plumbing his home. Have a look at the video around the 8:40 mark

Scarecrow by Contech - Motion Activated Sprinkler

  Hacked Gadgets went to Island Tech 2009 which was on Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada to check on the technology that was being demonstrated. Contech was there showing some of their products, the Scarecrow was by far the most interesting. It isn’t a new product but the way it was hooked up for demonstration was interesting. There was no source of city water like there would be in your

Fastest Bicycle in the World

  Hacked Gadgets went to Island Tech 2009 which was on Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada to check on the technology that was being demonstrated. It was an interesting feeling to be able to touch the fastest bicycle in the world! Designed by VARNA of British Columbia, it looks like this bike can’t be beat. Thumbing through the binder of newspaper clippings and event pictures shows that this technology is

Phosphor E Ink Watch Review

  You have probably heard about E Ink before. It is the new technology that is being used in portable book reading platforms such as the Sony Reader and the Amazon Kindle. Thanks to Phosphor for sending in a E Ink watch for us to review, even though there are many devices that are using E Ink, Phosphor is the first company to use in a watch. We were sent