December 14, 2009

NerdKits Multi-Panel LED Array using SPI

Here is a good video about communicating amongst multiple microcontrollers. In this case they are NerdKits that are distributing sign data so that a huge Multi-Panel LED Array can be built. Even if you aren’t interested in the project have a look at it for the SPI info. “In this project, we put a new twist on our old idea, and modified the LED Array into a giant multi panel

Circuit Bent Boot

Circuit bending can be lots of fun. This Circuit Bent Boot project takes it one step further by placing the circuit in a fun object. The Circuit Bent Boot sure looks like tons more fun than an Altoids tin! Via: Hacked Gadgets Comments “The project consists of the following materials: a rubber rain boot a small toy keyboard one potentiometer with a resistance of 100K ohms (available at Radioshack) three

How Google Chrome Really Works

Google Chrome is the new browser from the giant Google. Being Google they have decided to implement certain features in the browser that are a bit different than their competitors. Watch the above video to see what is really happening behind the scenes. Via: Geeks are Sexy


Have a look at the My 2uF blog for some interesting developments of an 8 RGB LED Ring project. There is lots of blog entries covering everything from board design to a working demo of project. He is using an interesting RGB surface mount LED, they seem to be very susceptible to heat which sounds like they would be hard to work with. “The board contains an ATmega168 chip, a