Do you still cut your lawn by dragging an antiquated gas powered spinning blade back and forth across the grass? If so you might want to build an autoCut. The autoCut is a robotic lawn mower that is powered from LiPo batteries and the brain comprises of a Raspberry Pi. The goal is to have completely autonomous operation but I think an IP camera would also be a great option for the user who would like to drive this around from the comfort of his living room. Like the project? Be sure to skull it on
“Â Details
– Four weel drive with kink steering
– Electric mowing height leveling
– Two 85 watt mowing motors, each equipped with two very sharp blades, able to snap back on hard obstacles
– On the fly interchangeable LiPo-battery with voltage monitoring, about 1 hour of battery live on active mowing
– Wifi network connection for web interface which includes gamepad/joystick remote control
– Modular electronics: a couple of modules, connected with a power- and I²C-bus with a Raspberry Pi as master”