Hidden Flower Pot Gadget Charging System

Can you spot that charging system in the above picture? It’s the large pot on the side table. MichaelPap was facing the same issue that I have, in my living room there is a table that has tons of wires all over it and usually a bunch of devices charging. I am just living with the clutter but this is a nice solution. All the chargers are in the base

Fun Hacked Gadgets Contests

Okay, our contests might not be as interesting as the girl in the bikini but it must be a close second? 🙂 We have been having lots of fun with contest here for years but there have been a few recent ones that really stand out. We run weekly contests that start on Saturday mornings and run for the entire week, we also have the occasional special contest such as

Over Engineered Mouse Trap

If you are going to build something you might as well over design and over build it right? If you don’t agree you can go and pick up whatever you need at your local Walmart. Here we have an excellent example of over engineering something, you can get spring loaded mouse traps for about a dollar, but there is no laser system, status LEDs, arming circuit and pneumatics in one

Battery Desulfation

Mikey Sklar shows us how a small device can bring damaged batteries back to life. When these batteries are at their end of life they are normally recycled for the lead that’s inside. It isn’t an easy job since the battery is obviously also filled with acid. So the battery isn’t even worth its weight in lead. This means that you are able to get lots of these batteries for

Name the Thing Contest - 111

The prize this week is one of my Button Code kits. This kit was lots of fun to make and it provides a unique way to enter in a secure code. You can see documentation about it here, if you want to get your own Button Code kit they are available here (if you buy one and also win the contest I will just refund your payment if you like).

Chicken Coop Door Automation and Monitoring

What do you do when you have animals to look after but don’t have enough hours in the day to care for all their needs? Well we have seen uses of technology to feed your animals automatically. Food isn’t the only need, of course they need water also. But have no fear technology can help us there also. After all that food and water has been consumed they have some

Tetris played on a 4D Systems OLED Display

Anna Ceguerra has been making some interesting applications with the 4D Systems OLED displays. This is her version of Tetris for the 4D Systems platform. You still have the rest of today to enter the contest that 4D is sponsoring, if you win, your project could be the next one featured on Hacked Gadgets. 🙂 The contest is one of the harder ones that we have had, this means your