January 2010

Automated Turn Switch Off Machine

Thanks to Sascha from I Build Rockets for sending in this tip. It’s a machine that does nothing other than keep a switch in the off position. Turn the switch on and a hand pops up immediately and turns it off. The circuit has no microcontroller, it is all analog. I am thinking this could make for an interesting project, who will be the first to make a kit for

How to Repair a Plasma TV

Dave Jones had a Panasonic Plasma TV die on him. Have a look at the video to see the build quality of a Panasonic. Turns out that the local TV repair shop would charge more to fix this 2.5 year old model than a new one costs now. The solution to the problem is quite technical, the repair consists of about 1 meter of black electrical tape. 🙂

Name the Thing Contest - 113

Thanks to Rad Blaster for sponsoring the contest this week. They will be providing a Rad Blaster Boobbox MP3 Player/Recorder to the winner. You can plug in a set of headphones or use the internal speakers to play your tunes on the go. The unit has a tiny color OLED screen also! If that wasn’t enough, you can also use the player as a USB storage device. “Rad Blaster Features:

Tool Carrying Robot

Robots are supposed to make our lives easier right? Well this Tool Carrying Robot is sure to lighten your load. I remember the days of doing service work, I would have a huge case full of hand tools in one hand, a laptop slung over the other shoulder and some type of paperwork in my one free hand. Lugging this gear through large industrial buildings becomes a pain real quick…ÂÂ