Dave Jones had a Panasonic Plasma TV die on him. Have a look at the video to see the build quality of a Panasonic. Turns out that the local TV repair shop would charge more to fix this 2.5 year old model than a new one costs now. The solution to the problem is quite technical, the repair consists of about 1 meter of black electrical tape. 🙂
Hahaha, I wish all problems were that easy to fix. Now i’m scared my 50″ panasonic plasma is going to just die while watching it.
What an annoying character that guy is!
lol at the fix, that really made my day.
every time he’s on here it seems like he’s complaining about something. LOL. having said that i have watched several of his videos. It was awesome to see inside a plasma screen. I watched the whole video waiting for how he was going to fix his tv and lol’d at his fix. I hate when people ask me to fix things because i’m an engineering student. they don’t understand that it would probably take hours to days to figure out all of the leads, look up all of the chips and troubleshoot whats wrong. I will usually look and see if wires are broken/unplugged,caps/fuses blown,etc. but i’m not going to look up every chip and bust out a logic probe,o-scope,etc. to fix a electric drum machine that they bought at a yard sale for $2.
v., whined, whin·ing, whines.
To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.
He’s a little harsh, I am a TV service guy, Panasonic (in New Zealand at least) will usually honer their warranty well out of warranty. Plus here in NZ if your TV becomes unrepairable within a certain time frame the consumer guarantee act kick in and the usually replace the set, with a small contribution from the customer.
Did he call Panasonic and voice his concerns, before jumping on the net slandering them?
haha this guy is funny 🙂
This type of fault would be covered by the UK’s consumer protection law. Essentially, all goods sold must be of ‘merchantable quality’ i.e. it should be expected to give a reasonable length of service or it can be returned to the retailer for repair or replacement. In the case of a TV, IMHO, less than three years is not a reasonable service life.
LMAO :-)))
Lost my patience while he was babbling on. I never did actually see where the tape was applied.
But it’s good that he worked it out.
Im an aussie myself and well he is just a typical loud Australian personality. I dont think he was being particularly harsh on panasonic, infact i think he did a lot to reinforce the engineering and the quality behind the brand. It goes a long way to have an external engineering oppinion on the quality of a product even if a component has failed it is clear to me that the rest of it is very well made
you dude talk toooooooooooooo much
most of the TV problems now are easy to fix, this is due to the simple component architecture; just as simple as changing a PCI card in your PC
I love how everyone thinks they buy “Top of the line” electronics. Although Panasonic does make decent televisions…top of the line 2.5 years ago surely would have included a digital tuner.
Yes, “top-of-the-line” around that time did include a digital tuner, but the price difference was abhorrent. It’s not the tuner that failed it’s the panel, which would have been the same in both models, so that’s irrelevant.
As for being harsh, the product failed after a few hundred hours use, so I don’t think I’m being unfair. And as Apothus pointed out, I complemented the engineering build and design quality which is excellent.
And a big wave to the usual anonymous twits who say I talk to much, or I babble on, or how annoying my whiny Australian voice sounds etc. Give us a link to YOUR video blog or content you’ve created and let us judge you.
He sure is a character! I enjoyed the detail of the video, as well as the brilliantly simple fix. Having taken apart a Plasma TV before I can appreciate the level of quality that is put into them. They definitely use high quality components and make sure things are tidy.
Well, he didn’t really repair it, he masked the problem. The build up was a little long, but it was humorous in the end.
@6. First of all, in this form it would be libel. Second, it isn’t slander/libel if the statements are facts and honest opinions.
My mom had the screen go wacky on a cheap portable DVD player. I took it apart and discovered the contacts between the plastic ribbon cable and the screen weren’t all making contact. It was in the screen and embedded under glue but if you pushed on it the screen would work properly. My fix? I jammed a piece of a toothpick under the screen’s metal frame. The plastic case around the screen helped put pressure on it and now her DVD player works. If you look under the slightly bulging screen bezel/case you can see the piece of toothpick.
I also fixed a little under the counter LCD for my aunt. The back light had gone out so shoe-horned in a new CCFL inverter from a dual 12″ CCFL made for a computer (about $5-10).
Some things are easy to fix…others are not.
australian? i thought you were british.
With the use electronic test equipment, repairing TV and other appliances come so easy.