There are lots of items out there that promote proper tooth brushing, you can get toothbrushes that play a tune for a few minutes, you can get toothbrush timers but there is nothing that can tell you how long you need to spend on each section of your teeth. That is where the Arduino based Toothbrushing aid called the Brushduino comes in. It knows when you are brushing by the accelerometer that gets attached to the brush and tells you where you should be brushing and when it’s time to move to the next section of your mouth. This gadget may seem a bit far fetched but I can see this being fun enough that kids would use it.
Thanks Steve.
“It’s basically all LED’s. There are 6 white LED’s that correspond to the six regions of the mouth that I want to highlight, there are four green LED’s for showing progress and there’s a speaker I pulled out of some broken toy that’s there to entertain the children while they brush. The multi-strand wire connected to the three analog inputs on the Arduino also supplies 3.3v and ground to the accelerometer. The cable itself is an old ADB keyboard cable from my old Mac SE/30 from back in the day. It’s been laying in my junk box for ages. There are also some current limiting resistors for the LED’s and a bunch more of that lovely AWG30 solid core wire I like so much.”