Some lucky winner will be getting a free MakerBot! MakerBot Industries has a contest running where all you need to do is upload a cool design to Thingiverse and enter it as part of the contest. Unfortunately we all can’t win a MakerBot but for those who can’t wait to win one Ponoko has recently teamed up with MakerBot Industries to allow you to customize the bot and have Ponoko build it for you. This way you can have your very own MakerBot creation come to life.
Via: Make
“To celebrate (one last time) the success of our Desktop Manufacturing issue of MAKE, we’ve teamed up with the folks at MakerBot Industries. We’re going to be giving away a CupCake CNC, in the first ever official MakerBot CupCake CNC giveaway and Thingiverse design challenge! One lucky 3D designer will win a Deluxe CupCake CNC kit for his/her contribution to Thingiverse, and five runners up will receive something special too! Here’s what you do to enter:
1. Imagine something you’d like to see printed on a MakerBot CupCake CNC!
2. Design your object using any 3D design software you like.
3. Upload your design to Thingiverse!
4. Share the link to your Thingiverse post here, in the comments, by May 5th, 2010 at noon PDT.”