June 14, 2010

Makers Market Contest

Make is holding a new contest for the Makers Market, enter to win some free stuff. Have a look at picture number 3 🙂 that is none other than the Electronic Coaster Set from our Hacked Gadgets Market! Since the coasters only cost $9.99 and the winning item can be worth up to $500, I think this will be detrimental to the lower priced items getting any votes though. “Been

Hacked Gadgets Quick Links

Here are a number of quick links from the email bag here at Hacked Gadgets. Thanks for sending in all your great projects and links to cool sites. iPod Touch Internet Remote Ham Radio Station LINK “Using an iPod Touch as a ham radio station from anywhere in the world (via WIFI).  Cool combination of the old school & new school.” Thanks Victor. NXT Rover LINK “The idea was to

Open Source Server Room Monitor

If you run a server room or have tons of computer equipment in your house you might want to keep track of the room environment. Invent Geek has made a Open Source Server Room Monitor project to help us do this on the cheap. “The server room environmental monitoring system is a low cost high performance device with the same onboard features as commercial devices costing hundreds of dollars more.

How to Order your Eagle PCB Design

Colin Karpfinger who is also the creator of the cool Autonomous Paintball Sentry Gun has made a great article about Ordering your Eagle PCB Designs. Learning Eagle is quirky enough but after your design is done you still need to learn about circuit board manufacturing before you can get them produced. This is because the manufacturer needs specific files that represent the layers involved in making your board. After you

DIY RGB LED Strip Driver Board

Jean-Claude Wippler from Jee Labs is making a DIY RGB LED Strip Driver Board and has documented the results and build details in a few posts. Here is a video that shows what the end result looks like. This project is going to allow for fully adjustable lighting in the Jee Labs, with a typical RGB light strip you should be able to achieve any color you want! “I wanted