Makers Market Contest


Make is holding a new contest for the Makers Market, enter to win some free stuff. Have a look at picture number 3 🙂 that is none other than the Electronic Coaster Set from our Hacked Gadgets Market! Since the coasters only cost $9.99 and the winning item can be worth up to $500, I think this will be detrimental to the lower priced items getting any votes though.

“Been lusting after something in Makers Market, but can’t quite justify the expense? Enter our tweet-it-to-win-it contest and you just might get it for free! Here’s how to enter:

  1. Look around Makers Market and pick out your favorite product of value $500 US or less. You can pick a more expensive product, in which case, if you win, the first $500 is on us.
  2. If you’re not already following the Makers Market Twitter feed, do so by visiting this link or by tweeting “follow @themakersmarket”. Contest winners will be notified using Twitter’s “direct message” feature, and if you’re not following us, we can’t message you, and you can’t win.
  3. Tweet the URL of your favorite product, and the URL of the contest landing page (, and make sure you include “@themakersmarket” so we receive your tweet. We recommend cutting and pasting the following text into your twitter window…

    Tweet your favorite item @themakersmarket to win it!
    Mine is:

    …followed by the URL of your favorite product. You will probably need to use a URL shortener to make it all fit into a tweet’s 140 characters. We find works well.

Eleven winners will be selected randomly from among tweets received before 11:59 p.m. PDT on July 15, 2010. One first-place winner will receive their tweeted choice of products from among those for sale on Makers Market having value of $500 US or less. If your favorite product costs more than $500, the first $500 is on us. Ten runners-up will receive $25 toward their choice of products from among those for sale on Makers Market.

Good luck and happy tweeting! Please see the contest landing page for more details, and official rules.”