June 16, 2010

Airbag in Couch Launches Guy in the Air

LANGUAGE WARNING. Things on Hacked Gadgets are usually G rated but there is a bit of swearing in the video so if this offends you please skip this article. This is a hilarious video, these guys rigged up a car airbag to be triggered remotely and stuck it under the center cushion of their couch. Poor guy who they got to sit directly on the airbag when it went off.

DIY Camera Power Supply

Hacked Gadgets Forum user JingleJoe from England needed a power supply for his digital camera. I love that it was all built from bits and pieces laying around. I have used some creative heat sinks such as a section of an old junction boxes when free air was just not quite enough but I have never used a piece if a tin can. I will have to keep that heat